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Eating Gluten Free – Foster Commissary

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Hi,  my name is Jess and when I was four I was diagnosed with Celiac’s disease.  This means that I have to follow a strict gluten free diet.  While this disease is somewhat rare I am by no means the only person in this boat.  Now at 31 I feel like I may be able to provide some help to others in the same situation navigate  the grocery store, avoiding wheat, rye, barley, etc while still coming home with food that is tasty, delicious and  something all members of the family will eat.  The best store in Okinawa for gluten free food is the Camp Foster Commissary.  From what I’ve seen the other commissaries offer the same selection.  Although there are gluten free foods out in town at grocery stores it can be difficult to read the ingredients and none of them are specifically marked gluten free that I know of.

So, the other day I popped my one year old and three year old into the awesome “car” cart and went up at down the aisles jotting down all the gluten free items I could find.  I have to say I enjoyed my treasure hunt and even found 2 items I had never seen before.  Today I started off right with a new pancake mix! The list here is by no means an exhaustive list of foods someone on a gluten free diet can eat but is limited to foods that are labeled as being gluten free or that fit into the quick meal, quick snack category that can sometimes be hard to fill in on a gluten free diet.



Aisle 2:

Aisle 3:

Aisle 4:

Aisle 5:

Aisle 6:

Aisle 8: 

Aisle 9:

Please add other favorite gluten-free items in the comments!

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