cowboy, originally uploaded by okinawa hai.
I’m shameless and also pretty much craft-less.
So when it comes to Halloween costumes I throw myself at the knees of my crafty mother-in-law. Or I hit up my cousin for costumes that live in bins with labels that match the contents of the bin. Last year thanks to everyone but me, the boys were a cow and a cowboy.
This year they will be a tortoise and a hare. Not my idea or my execution. 100% Gramma. I’d be in a jam if my family weren’t so clever.
Todd is kind of in a jam.
We have been on Okinawa for one Halloween and will be here for two more. One thing I notice is a lack of costumes for the kids. If you go to Kadena and Foster Exchanges you will find maybe four or five different costumes for kids. Most of these costumes are not acceptable for younger kids if you don’t want your children dressed horror show wannabes. Anyway, I am looking for something like a Star Wars Jedi Robe or other non-horror based costume. With a Jedi knight costume I really only need a brown robe with a white tunic. However, I would need someone to sew this up and don’t know where to go for something like that. Please comment about where good places to get costumes for children are or where to get things sewn up for a reasonable amount.