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Kaho’s Japanese Corner: Omedeto (gozaimas)

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Kaho’s Japanese Corner: Omedeto

Congratulations is the translation for “omedeto”. For using it to someone superior to you or in a polite expression, you simply add “gozaimas”. Omedeto pronounces like this. Oh-meh-deh-toe.

Here is how to use it in different contexts:
Birthday – “Otanjobi omedeto (gozaimas)!” Tanjobi is birthday. So, it means “happy birthday!”
– “Gokekkon omedeto (gozaimas)!” Kekkon is marriage. This translate as “congratulations on your marriage!”
Birth – “Shussan omedeto (gozaimas)!” Shussan is giving birth. It means “congratulations on your baby’s birth!”
– “Sotsugyo omedeto (gozaimas)!” Sotsugyo is graduation. “Congratulations on your graduation.”
Finding a new job – “Shushoku omedeto (gozaimas)!” Shushoku means “to get a job/to be hired”. “Congratulations on your new job!”

You can simply say “omedeto” in any of the above situations without adding the specific situational words. If your friend just gave birth, say “omedeto!” As you enter your friend’s birthday party, you may say to the birthday person “omedeto!!”

Omedeto derives from an adjective of “medetai” which means joyous or felicitous. No matter how old we get, it is medetai to be able to hit another age. “Omedeto!” to everyone who has birthday in April!

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