If you’ve ever been to a Japanese Teppanyaki restaurant in the states, then you’ve had a taste of this dressing, atop a small bowl of iceberg lettuce, right next to your miso soup. I haven’t been to one here to know if it’s the same. Did you know that carrots are the key ingredient? I sure didn’t. This dressing had me baffled for years. Why don’t they call it carrot-ginger dressing? Give a girl a break.
The recipe:
- 2 peeled carrots or ninjin (ニンジン)
- ¼ of a large onion
- 1 ½ inch hunk of ginger or shouga (ショウガ)
- 1 tbsp miso paste (みそ)
- 4 tbsp rice wine vinegar
- 1 tbsp toasted sesame oil or gomaabura (ごまあぶら)
- 4 tbsp water
- 1 tbsp honey
- Black pepper to taste
Add the ingredients to a blender and blend for a minute or two for a smooth dressing. You’ll have enough for two large salads. I poured this over a simple green salad with cucumber, and it got rave reviews.