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Phone Numbers – 2014 Updates, PLUS How To Make Calls From DSN or Cell Phones



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Early in 2014, a few of the bases on Okinawa changed their telephone policies, preventing people direct dialing from Japanese commercial phones to on-base DSN lines. Here is an updated list of instructions to call each military base on Okinawa. I’ve also included important military emergency numbers for quick reference.

To call a DSN from Off-Base

Substitute the following DSN numbers to direct dial from off-base including cell phones.

DSN 622-xxxx, dial 098-954-xxxx

DSN 622-xxxx, dial 098-954-xxxx

DSN 623-xxxx, dial 098-969-xxxx

DSN 632-xxxx, dial 098-962-xxxx

DSN 633-xxxx, dial 098-959-xxxx

DSN 634-xxxx, dial 098-961-xxxx

DSN 645-xxxx, dial 098-970-xxxx

DSN 646-xxxx, dial 098-971-xxxx

For those numbers without direct dial access, please use the operator numbers below.

Kadena Air Base

Operator at 098-961-1110

Or dial 098-631-1111 / 098-938-1111. Wait for second dial tone, dial 7-digit DSN number.

Camp Kinser, MCAS Futenma, Camp Lester, Camp Henoko, Camp Schwab, Camp Gonzalvez, Fort Buckner, White Beach, Torii Station, Camp Courtney, Camp Foster, Camp Lester, Camp Hansen,Camp McToreous, and Chibana

Operator 098-911-5111. Wait for second dial tone, dial 7-digit DSN number.

Camp Shields

Operator 098-938-1111

** From the U.S. to any base on Okinawa, dial 011-81-6117, then the last seven digits of the phone number.

** To call off-base from on-base, dial the access code 99, then the telephone number of the party you wish to call.

Military Emergency Numbers

U.S. Naval Hospital Okinawa

DSN                 646-7555

Off-Base         098-971-7555


DSN                 911

Off-Base         098-911-1911

VOIP Phones   011-81-98-911-1911

Poison Control/Emergency Room

DSN                 646-7311

Off-Base         098-971-7311

Dental Emergencies

Working Hours

DSN                 646-7862

Off-Base         098-971-7862

After Hours    

DSN                 645-7311

Off-Base         098-970-7381

*Additional U.S. Naval Hospital Okinawa phone numbers can be found here

Frequently Dialed Numbers

Kadena FSS Directory

MCCS Directory

Fleet & Famliy Rediness Directory

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