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Sayonara, Man-Yi!

Okinawa Hai fallback


You’re safe and dry, right? And your lawn or sidewalk is piled high with typhoon carnage. And your power is on. And the windows are quiet. And the dog isn’t a quivering parasite on your left leg. And you’ve stopped panicking about the possibility of the windows blowing in which means you’ve also stopped putting your children to bed with blankets over their heads because that is FAR less dangerous than what flying glass could do to flesh.

And the ants are back. So they’re also safe.

We made it, we did. You and me.


Now tell me, how did you keep track of the storm and what condition the base was in? Me, I called Kaho and asked what the Japanese TV had to say. Seems like I could have been a smidge more in the know.

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