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Adoption in Okinawa

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From the reader mailbag, we found this one about adoption. Maybe some of you readers out there can help shed some light.

From Janeth:

We are new to the island. One of the things my husband and I have been discussing is adoption.  I have a history of complicated pregnancies and delivery so we have concluded that may be a risky route to take again.  Do you have any information on the adoption that you may guide me to?

And the second question from Beth:

I’m an adoptive mom of a five week old baby boy in Northern Virginia. My husband has been in his new Navy job in Okinawa since June, and we can’t wait to join him when Joshua is 2 months old on October 26!  I’m writing to you to ask if your site on Okinawa Hai would be an appropriate place to connect with moms who have an over-abundance of breastmilk and might be willing to share it with my baby.  I am trying to induce lactation, but so far have not been able to produce much. Fortunately I learned about a wonderful website where mothers from all over the country donate or request breastmilk for free.  Most of the donors produce much more than their baby can consume, and instead of it going to waste, they prefer to help another baby in need.  My little Josh has been thriving on the generous donations of these terrific women.  I would hate to have to put him on formula when he doing so well on breastmilk.  That’s why I’m hoping I can find some donors in Okinawa.  I’m sure there are women who are pumping out of necessity, and would want to help my little instead of throw away their precious unused milk!

Can anybody out there help these women out?

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