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Sixty-Seven Uses For The Small Towel


Sixty seven uses for the small towel. That’s my goal. One percentage for each moment I have left of being pregnant. I know that sounds dark to most of you, but small goals help me feel like I am making progress. Plus, I am trying to organize my living room and minimize.  I’ve somehow managed to accumulate quite a few of these “hankachi” (Japanese towels).  There must be some other creative uses for these towels rather than to cough in them. Humor me dear readers. I have 176 days of my pregnancy to go- or 67% to be exact.  I’ve added 22 uses. Can you add 45 to help me reach my goal of 67%?  Add a “use” at the bottom of my list.

1. Regular olde’ hanky

2. To show your preferences in the worlds of Snoopy or Hello Kitty

3. Easier to hang dry as opposed to the “bath towel”

4. It hangs on a hook

5. Eco-friendly napkin

6. Can use after the bathroom if no hand-dryer

7. Something new to purchase at 100 Yen

8. Instant status symbol (Louie Vuitton or Gucci Towel), cheaper than the actual bag

9. Use to cover your mouth while eating

10. Use to cover your mouth while commuting and eating

11. Use to cover while eating, commuting, sleeping and hanging on the rail at the train. Cough. That’s twelve.

13. Wash a small window

14. Use as a diaper for a small puppy

15. To wipe off your base makeup from your cell phone screen.

16. A crafty, waterproof patchwork quilt of sorts could be sewn

17. A flag for a small vessel

18. Use to rub the perfume off your neck when returning from a love motel

19. Use to collect various fruit seeds (in your purse)

20. Something to just cover your privates

21. An “I surrender” sign for a tree full of cicadas

22. Something to oil the frame of your self-portrait you had taken at Olan Mills

23. Cut eyeholes and make a Halloween ghost costume for Barbie (or Ken)

24. A soft tissue for each eye after you’ve finished The Thorn Birds

Now it’s your turn dear readers. Add a use below! Humor us!

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