originally uploaded by okinawa hai.
Last time we went to Wakatake Park, Julie had the brilliant idea to make origami boats and float them down the stream. It was a huge hit for Eli. So was getting wet.
Watatake Park has water to play in, a playground to romp on, a field to spin in, a wall to scale and a gazebo to shade yourself under.
Click on the photo above for more pictures.
- LEFT onto 58 out of KAB Gate 1.
- Drive past Foster towards Futenma.
- At the 3rd light after the light at Futenma you will see a tall purple building on your left called Onishi building.
- Take a RIGHT at this intersection.
- At the second street (NOT the second light) take a LEFT.
- At the first street take a RIGHT. The park is on this road to your left.
- We have parked along the perimeter despite what appear to be No Parking signs. It’s not a heavily trafficked area. Not sure where exactly parking is okay. In any case, you’d be able to see them if they were aiming to tow your car.