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Okinawa Explorer: A Complete Guide to Okinawa


If you want to know even more about Okinawa, I highly recommend this book. It covers so much material abouth holidays, places to see/eat/stay, as well as some historical facts. I have used this book in conjunction with the TripAdvisor App to “explore” all there is to do on the Okinawa Prefecture. In my experience, the information is 100% accurate and fun to read even if you don’t plan on going to particular places. It also covers other islands… (Kerama’s, Ishigaki, Miyako etc.).

I stumbled upon this book in my shop when a co-worker had it on her desk. I skimmed through it and became instantly hooked. It can easily be purchased from the Kadena Bookstore inside the main BX, which I immediately went to and bought on my lunch break the same day. It’s well worth the $17 price (says $19.99). They have a website with more information on the book and its team of writers/researchers here:

After purchasing this book, it is cake trying to find things to do on island. I laugh when people say, “there’s nothing to do here” or “you’ll run out of things to do if you do too much to fast.” I thought I had seen and done it all, but after buying this book I realized, I haven’t even seen 10% of what Okinawa has to offer, and I’ve been all over this island (or so I thought)!

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