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Tag: Books, Film, Music

Onna Station Market & Onna Village Culture and Information Center

Onna Station Market & Onna Village Culture and Information Center CONTRIBUTED BY JENNIFER GILES The Onna Village Culture and Information Center and Onna Station Nakayukui Market...

Still Having Fun: Book Review

CONTRIBUTED BY HEATHER GELORMINE Editor’s Note: Author Candace George Thompson provided a complimentary copy of this book to Heather so that she could take a look inside and share her...

Book Review: Soldiering On – Finding My Homes

CONTRIBUTED BY HEATHER GELORMINE Editor’s Note: Author Christine Kriha Kastner provided a complimentary copy of this memoir to Heather so that she could take a look inside and share her...

Book Review: Okinawa and the Ryukyu Islands

CONTRIBUTED BY MARIE LEWIS Editor's Note: Local author Robert Walker provided a complimentary copy of his book to Marie so that she could take a...

Manga Souko マンガ倉庫 – Recycle Store

Recycle Store Exterior CONTRIBUTED BY STEPHANIE MONROE I’ve been on Okinawa about a year now, and since our arrival I’ve been lamenting the loss of one...

Kimigayo: Japanese National Anthem

CONTRIBUTED BY SARAH FORTE “Kimigayo,” (君が代) the Japanese National Anthem, is a song almost all of us hear daily. At military events and at the...

Sakura Zaka Theater

CONTRIBUTED BY ANGI BRZYCKI Sakura Zaka Exterior The Sakura Zaka 桜坂劇場 is one of my favorite places to go to in Naha. The movie theater...

Okinawa Explorer: A Complete Guide to Okinawa

CONTRIBUTED BY QUENTIN RICHARDSON If you want to know even more about Okinawa, I highly recommend this book. It covers so much material abouth holidays,...

Japanese Food Books

CONTRIBUTED BY LEAH MAGID At the ripe old age of 40, I finally started carrying a purse.  My previous reasoning for just jamming a wallet...

Porky’s Live Bar

CONTRIBUTED BY MARY RICHARDSON Walking around Okinawa City one night, my husband and I wandered into Porky’s. We expected a 50s theme bar, and we...

Japanese Children’s Books, Part 2

As promised, here is the second installment of Shannan's favorite kid's books related to Japan, Okinawa and its cultures.  If you missed the first,...

Japanese Children’s Books, Part 1

CONTRIBUTED BY SHANNAN LEWELLEN “The more you read, the more things you will know.  The more you learn, the more places you’ll go.” ~Dr. Seuss Our...


CONTRIBUTED BY JEANINE CZUBIK A few months ago, I was looking for a suitable study guide to prepare for the Japanese language proficiency exam later this...

A Sanshin Serenade

CONTRIBUTED BY STACI HAWLEY A year ago, I was fortunate enough to be serenaded by a lovely student, and his three-stringed instrument, the sanshin. Sanshin...

Riveting Reads Reviewed and Revealed!

CONTRIBUTED BY STACI HAWLEY The Laws of Evening by Mary Yukari Waters We read this as a part of my Foster book group. The book is...

Yoshimori – Unique Okinawa Instruments

I wanted to share this cool store down the street from my house that sells unique Okinawan instruments, such as taiko drums and sanshins....

Ashibinaa Okinawa Outlet Mall

CONTRIBUTED BY DIANA MIDDLETON A big thank you goes out to Stacey for sending the info about this mall. I can't wait to check it...

TSUTAYA: CD and Movie Rental Store

CONTRIBUTED BY KAHO These are not the nicest pictures of the store, I know...  I apologize.  I had some time to take pictures of the...

Books About Okinawa

CONTRIBUTED BY KELLY Just wanted to let you guys know about two books that might interest you if you are moving to/ living in Okinawa. ...