We are instinctively drawn to people that have similar interests, careers and hobbies as we do. So a nurse, a counselor, a business owner, a college student, a day care provider, a teacher, a veterinarian tech, a military member, a stay-at-home mom and an ecologist make a pretty unlikely group. And yet, there we all were, dressed in the funkiest outfits and singing na-na-na-na together while shaking our hips. We weren’t just putting on a show at the 2009 Spouses Dinning In, we were having a great time and looking good while doing it!
As unlikely as it is that we would have ever gotten together on our own, we have a great time each month at the 18th Communication Squadron’s monthly get-together. The crowd changes month to month as does the scene as we met for dinner, explore the island and local culture, plan parties or just go bowling . Yet there is that sense of unity and family as we spend time together.
A special thanks to Danielle Crowe for providing the picture.
Where does the OESC meet at and what time? I would love to attend one of their meetings!
Thanks for the information on the Okinawa Enlisted Spouse Club. I believe there is an Officers Wives club that meets too …?
For those of you who don’t know when your squadrons spouses club meets, the Squadron’s Commanders Wife typically organizes it so have your husband send an email to find out or call Commanders Reception, they may know.
Keep the times and dates rolling ladies!
Okinawa Enlisted Spouses Club (OESC) meets the third Monday of every month. Their next meeting will be in January. This club is for ALL military branches on island. E1-E9.
For more information, you can email:
Any spouses from H&S meet?
Hi, do any spouses of the 353rd meet? I’d love to join!
For spouses of the 18th Communications Squadron, the spouses meet on the 3rd Tuesday of the month. (Yep, that’s tonight- so join us at the Bowling alley at 6:30).