Okinawa Hai has been steadily growing bigger and stronger over the past five years, and it’s all thanks to YOU – our readers.  For the past two years we’ve run solely on Submission Power, but from the start our posts have been greatly enriched through your comments and questions.  The sense of community is varied and rich… just the way we like it.

We know this blog is a great way to get information quickly and easily, which is why we’ve created it for you.  But we also understand the need for a community to interact with each other IMMEDIATELY. All your options for connecting with us – and other Okinawa Hai followers – can be found below.

Okinawa Hai Facebook Page

If you’re on Facebook, please “like” our Facebook Page, where we bring you our new posts and links to current events that may be pertinent to you.

FB Page

Facebook Q&A Group, also called Okinawa Hai (Facebook) Society

But it’s not enough.  Due to the new setup of our Facebook page – which is out of our hands – our readers’ questions often get buried, hidden among our own posts and left unanswered.  That’s why we opened our Facebook OkinawaHai Q&A Group to everyone who wants to join in the conversation.


FB Group


Kassie powers our OkinawaHai Twitter feed with up-to-date tweets and other pertinent info, all at your fingertips.




Follow Okinawa Hai on Pinterest, where we pin our own posts and curate Okinawan artifacts from others around the web.



We love seeing photos of all things Okinawa, and we’re pretty sure you do too. Follow us as we photo-journal our way around Okinawa on our Okinawa Hai Instagram account.

So please, if you already read this blog but have been wanting to reach out and meet others who are in the same boat – even if it’s just virtually – we hope to help you fulfill that need in any or all of these three ways:

Okinawa Hai Facebook Page – to get all the latest posts, answer our polls, and pass along pertinent Okinawa and military-related information – Powered by your OkiHai managers.

Okinawa Hai (Facebook) Society – for those who are usually on Facebook anyway and don’t want to create a separate account to join our groups – Powered by YOU.

OkinawaHai on Twitter – powered by us and followed by you.

Okinawa Hai on Pinterest – powered by us; let’s follow each other!

Okinawa Hai on Instagram – powered by us and followed by you

(Please don’t forget to continue reading this blog and leaving your two cents in the comments!)

And once again, thank you.  Thank you ALL for helping to make Okinawa Hai into the community it is today.  We truly would be nothing without all your support and wisdom.