Joelle told me about this great online store to order original stockings. It’s called “aunt joy’s“. I am sorry that I didn’t post this earlier since the lady, Aunt Joy, apparently said that she would be booked up for custom orders by Nov. 15, which is tomorrow… Apologies. I looked at the webpage and the stockings are very cute. The story that Joelle told me is so sweet that I don’t want to ruin it by telling it myself. I will stop talking here now.
When I was growing up, my mom hand-made us these gorgeous Christmas stockings… mine was a ballet slipper, my brother’s a cowboy boot… I have always wanted something original and personalized like that – not just red stockings with gold glitter names… I found a woman online who does BEAUTIFUL work – lots of chances to personalize the design by choosing colors and characters for the stocking. I placed my order with an extra note asking her if she could send it Priority and received the most beautiful email back from her saying:
“Thank you for your service to our country, because it is the whole military family that makes sacrifices. There is no shipping and handling charges for Military families. It is not advertised, we just do our part to say THANK YOU! Also, all Military families, when we ship to a Military address, receive a FREE MINI STOCKING with their order. So please send an email to let me know what mini stocking you would like included with your order.”
I was totally blown away and wrote her with my thanks. She also said she leaves a few slots open each week for military families so that we can cut to the front of the line (since our shipping could take longer). The order just has to be shipped to an APO or FPO address OR they need a military email address so she can identify us as Military.
The catch is that she did say that she will be booked up for custom orders by Nov 15th – so shop fast! But she also has an eBay store with pre-made stockings that can be accessed at any time. (If you use eBay, you need to request and invoice and email her separately that you are military so she can take off the shipping charges.) aunt joy’s website
Just wanted to comment so that this would be popped up into the recent comments section for those who didn’t see it last year. These stockings are AWESOME and this woman is such a great supporter of the military. I’m sure there is still time to order before Xmas!
I just heard that Pottery Barn Kids has some cute stockings for about $20. I checked them online and they are adorable!!
BTW, mine arrived last week and they are just gorgeous!! Will try to post a pix if I can figure out how to do that in a comment!
I made our family all cross-stitch ones. The kids are 2 different ones and hubby and mine’s are the same. It was a huge project, each one taking 2 months to complete. However, I have to say the final product is so worth it! We have something others don’t and I trully cherish them!!! Every year I hate having to put stuff in the stocking because I am so scared I might break it(I have no idea how it would break since i double sewed all the seams). Maybe I’ll buy some of these other ones so if it breaks I wont be as hurt since I didn’t do all the hard work!