MOPS Cards
Your three-year old spilled his orange juice, and while you are on your hands and knees cleaning it up, you notice the stale Cheerios from days gone by hugging the floorline that meets the wall. You crawl farther under the table, promptly bang your head, and eventually pick up the Cheerios, miscellaneous small toy parts, and a ball of crusty socks. The socks remind you that you need to switch out the laundry, but before you can make it to the laundry, a fight breaks out between your toddler and your 3-year old. *Sigh.* And these are the days of our lives…
If this sounds even remotely familiar, it means you are the mother of a preschooler. Alas, have no fear… you are in good company! In fact, there is an actual, legitimate organization called Mothers of PreSchoolers right here on this very island, where you can find other women just like yourself with whom you can have a relaxing, stress-free two hours of adult conversation, uplifting speakers, uninterrupted crafting, and great food twice a month! The kicker? Childcare is provided! Read on for details.

MOPS logo
Mothers of PreSchoolers (MOPS) is a Christian organization with chapters all over the world. The Okinawa chapter holds its meetings at Koza Baptist Church, though you need not be a member of the church to participate in MOPS. While our kiddos play together and do crafts in the nursery rooms, which are grouped by age – they even have a nursery for infants! – the moms get away from motherhood just long enough to become human again.
Meetings are held on the first and third Tuesdays of the month. Each person is assigned to a small group and the groups take turn providing dishes for breakfast. We know what’s important (food!), so we eat first and then launch into the day’s activity. During the first meeting of the month, there is usually a speaker on a particular topic – for example, conflict resolution, secrets to a happy marriage, family organization strategies, etc., although we have done other things, too, like a Zumba class! During the second meeting of the month, there is typically some sort of craft for everyone to complete. Do not be alarmed if you are not crafty! These are always easy and fun, and shown step by step. We have done glass etching, coaster making, cards for troops, and more.

MOPS Night Out
In addition, there are monthly activities held outside of the Tuesday meetings. Sometimes these are play dates and other times these are mom’s night out. There has been karaoke, pedicures at Cocok’s, and a Progressive Dinner just to name a few!
There is a semester fee for all this fun, but it is very reasonable.
To check out more information on MOPS or to find out how to register, please check our website HERE or contact mopsokinawa@gmail.com. It’s a great way to meet other moms and decompress for a few hours!
A quick update, I’m the current coordinator for MOPS at Koza and we have grown to two groups! Meeting 2 Tuesdays a month. MOPS Is open to any mom who is pregnant or has a baby-5 year old not yet in Kindergarten. Email mopsokinawa@gmail.com to get registered.
YAY for MOPS!!! Wow, I am SO relieved to see that there is a MOPS group on Okinawa! We will be moving there this summer. I am in MOPS leadership in California. So looking forward to joining your group soon!
God Bless!
Hi there we just moved to the Island on our second tour is this group still going? We have an almost 3yr old boy and a 10 and 7 yr old boys
I guess it’s not open to stay-at-home dads, huh?
Hi if you still would like directions to koza, Let me know.
Hello! Just to clarify, our first meeting will be held on Sept. 13th. Can’t wait to see everyone there!
Today (Aug. 24th) is the last day MOPS registration is open so I suggest you register online ASAP if you have not done so http://kozabaptistchurch.org/adults/women-ministry/mops/ I heard they are getting everyone in this year.
As for direction, could you ladies let me know which direction you are coming from? Please let me know if you need extra help after looking at the direction on http://kozabaptistchurch.org/about-us-2/directions/ I will be gladly to meet with you the 1st day of meeting which is on Sept. 6th.
Yes i also Had a very hard time finding Koza. If its full I wont worry about it but if theres still room i’d like to try and find it again.
Don’t miss out the Drive thru Registration. It is tomorrow August 16th from 9:30-11:30am at Koza Baptist Church for MOPS meeting starting on Sept. 6. Space is only available until childcare are filled. I have a friend that had to wait for a semester because childcare spot was full. Don’t forget to bring $40 for the semester.
Is it full now? What times are the tues meetings? I work from home and not able to attend mornings events…
We just arrived, I haven’t started working yet:) But want to make sure if I sign up I will be able to attend the events and meetings…
They meet from 0930-1130 on 1st and 3rd Tues of the month. I think registration is still opened until Aug. 24 but there has already been 66 ppl registered this past Tue. If you are interested, I suggest you register online ASAP. http://kozabaptistchurch.org/adults/women-ministry/mops/
There are detailed directions on the Koza website at http://kozabaptistchurch.org/about-us-2/directions/
I hope this helps!
hi i just moved to island i have a 3 year old and 1 1/2 year old can we joined your group we would to make friends
I have tried to find Koza before and have never been successful. Can you give me directions as if you’re talking to a 3 year old. ha ha
Hi Amy,
That is a great question, and yes, it is! “Preschoolers” in this sense means “pre” school-aged children, if that makes sense. There are age-appropriate rooms for infants on up through children who have not yet started kindergarten.
Is this open to mom’s who have younger children(18months) or just preschool children? I would love to be around a great group of women and just regroup for a couple of hours and know that my child is safe in the next room. If it’s not open to younger children can you please tell me if there is a group for younger children around here?