This week you will have to have a photo by little old me of a shop sign. Thinking I knew there would be quite a few submissions, I am writing tail between my legs that I just didn’t know and crossing psychic abilities off of my resume!
The above image is of a hair shop right near the Foster commissary gate. I think they do hair extensions and the like. I always mean to go in there and check it out and will one day! The photo is actually a reflection of the sign in the shop window. It thought it made for an interesting image!
Thanks Robin and J.
Well, I may be able to change it to Sat, I will get back with you on that. But, I have also started posting 2 weeks themes so you can have a heads up for thinking about the shot. You could take your photos thinking about the 2nd week’s theme and have the image and just not post them until it’s that weeks theme, etc. Hope that’s not too confusingly written! Let me know if that works at least for now?
Thanks for the feedback :o)
Great picture. I know each week my husband and I (mainly me but my husband enjoys photography as well) talk about going out and taking a photo for the theme but we have kids and life is usually busy during the week. By the time we have ‘free’ time and are out with the cameras, it is usually past the Friday submission time. Would it be possible to change the submission day/time to Sunday evenings so people have the weekend to go out and explore? Just a thought.
I love this Picture, great shot Pam!
Kristi, that’s OK, no pressure, glad your hubby is home. Just trying to get a feel for what people want to see! Thanks for replying :o)
Hey Pam …sorry I haven’t gotten any submissions in..I have been super super busy and my hubby came home this weekend, so that made me even more busy…I will be better about it though!! 🙂