Wood Crafts Bldg
While driving home from Okuma, we came across a shop that boasted of hand-carved trinkets, toys and other wooden things. Wooden trains, cars and puzzles, benches, clocks, platters, and pieces of art. There was a room for kids to play while parents shopped. In addition, they had a table full of plants being sold for a fraction of what they would cost in garden shops.

Wood Crafts Sign
Signs outside the shop tell passersby of souvenirs, gifts, mementoes, and carpentry classes for adults. Another sign advertises free German shepherds. When we walked in, there was no one there. We walked around, not really knowing if anyone would show up. All we heard was a dog barking in the distance.

Wood Crafts 1
After about ten minutes of walking around, a man finally appeared, clearly looking as if he was just constructing something. He smiled and bowed and I immediately wished I could speak Japanese. I wanted to ask about his creations, I wanted to know how the shop came to be.

Wood Crafts Plants
We left in awe of the things we saw and a bought a beautiful, underpriced plant. We’ll definitely be back and maybe next time, we’ll get something wooden.

Wood Crafts Inside
Directions: From Okuma, turn right and turn right onto Route 58. Approximately 5 kilometers down Route 58 will be a wood shop on the left, located just before the High School.
Hours: 10:00- 20:00, Closed 1st and 2nd Tuesday
Phone: 098-044-3872
Hi. I’m a hobbyist woodworker, temporarily stationed on Okinawa. I’m looking for a place that sells woodworking tools, a store that caters to woodworkers, that kind of thing. Did the propietor of this store speak any english at all?
Hi, did you ever find a place that sold wood for projects?
I’ve seen this shop several times and often wondered what it had to offer. Thanks for your article! Now I will stop in for sure!
Looks like a cute little store! I’m curious, how were the prices on the wood things?