Kijoka Torii

Kijoka Falls
found about this site from my Okinawa Explorer Book. Since I was heading past this area, it was a good idea to check it out. It’s not as impressive as the other nearby falls, in fact, its a prayer site. Jumping in and taking a dip wouldn’t be a good idea at this one. Most people who do visit this site use it as a back drop for photography.
Most of the falls was hard to capture since it twists between rocks and trees, so the cascade at the bottom was all I could take pictures of besides the pool and prayer areas. The stream itself is very small, so I didnt even take any shots of it either.

Kijoka Road
Directions: This sie is easily accessed from Highway 58 in Kijoka Village. At the fork (after Hentona High School’s intersection) veer right, then make the first right. Follow this road until reach another fork in the road with a two-story lavender building splitting them and veer right again. Follow the narrow road until you see an empty lot on the right and park there. Follow the road until you reach the Torii gate, which is the entrance.
I have been to this waterfall before. its really small. It is cool to see. but only if you are in the area. i wouldnt say its worth the drive from Kadena at least. It is at the end of one of my videos i’ve made. You can see it here. Kijoka Falls starts at 5:30
Directions. Kijoka Falls is approximately 4km to the south of the Okuma Recreational Facility and near Highway 58. If driving north, you will notice a ‘Y’ fork off the 58. This is where your route starts. See blue route above. As soon as you turn right at the ‘Y’ fork, turn on the first right. If you go pass the 3-Story building with a large ‘Family Mart’ billboard on top (picture of this landmark is not available at the moment), then you have gone too far. After the right turn continue straight. The road will be tight. Look for a greyish building as a cue for the next turn-off. At this landmark, you will make a right. The road will narrow and you will see a small parking area to the right. If you go any further you will see the Torii Gate. Do not park in this area. It is too narrow.
We tried to find this place today but no luck. It’s beautiful and we’d love to see it, could anyone please provide more detailed directions? From Kadena preferably. Thank you!!!