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Tag: Parenting Wisdom

How To Become A Master Bento-Making Machine

Grouchy Bf bento, originally uploaded by Sakurako Kitsa. CONTRIBUTED BY MEREDITH NOVARIO Monday through Friday I send Eli off to school without much ceremony. Twice a...

Moving AND Pregnant

CONTRIBUTED BY LAN When I was about 36 weeks pregnant w/my chunky monkey , my nesting instinct kicked in and I wanted desperately to...

Family Travel, Part 2: The Gear

CONTRIBUTED BY LUCIA It is always amazing to me that modern children now "need" so much gear when compared to past generations and tribal groups,...

Eli Go ‘Kool’

originally uploaded by jk.. CONTRIBUTED BY MEREDITH NOVARIO Eli starts preschool next month at O-Seibo kindergarten. Because I'm in denial I'm not totally sure that's the...