Come run with us! WOOP! WOOP!
Wait, what was that? W.O.O.P.? Yeah, that’s right – Women On Okinawa Pavement!
WOOP is a group that was formed in September of 2011 by Sarah Pevehouse and has since taken Okinawa by storm! This is an amazing group of women that love to run, be healthy, and active! The reasons we run are as varied and unique as the women that call WOOP their own.
Why run with WOOP?
Because running with a group of fun, chatty, liked minded women helps to foster camaraderie and builds long lasting friendships. What better way to get in shape and achieve your fitness goals than with a group of friends, motivators, and beautiful women?
WOOP is the exclamation point on the road to achieving your goals this year!
Did you make a New Year’s Resolution to get in shape? Maybe you just want to make new friends while trying something new… OR are you already a runner and looking to find new place and faces to run with? Well, WOOP is the group for you!

WOOP Group 2
Where do you WOOP?
Afraid your location prevents you from running with WOOP? Don’t sweat it, we have strategically infiltrated the island! Since September (2011) the group has gown to over 260 members – with several women stepping up and leading runs from their areas we have almost all the bases covered on this island with WOOP groups!
To date WOOP has met on Kinser, Futenma, Foster, Comprehensive Park, Lester, Araha Beach, Sunabe Seawall, Kadena, Mihama, and even Okuma!
Don’t let your location prevent you from running with us. Or the time… we run in the early morning hours, the afternoon, and occasionally the evenings too. We get WOOP as often as our schedules permit.
WOOP uses Facebook for their event postings and their main resource for communications. Just click “join” to be added to the group and you’ll automatically receive updates on the events happening island wide.
Still not convinced WOOP is for you?
Is running still in the infancy stage in your life and you’re just not sure you’ll fit in? Does running with a group of seasoned runners intimidate you?
Is running your passion? Does your day feel incomplete if you don’t get a run in?
Or, are you somewhere in the middle? You enjoy running (or at least want to try it) but you’re no marathoner?
WOOP accommodates every fitness level. There are runs posted at least twice a week on our FB page that speaks to the majority of women. With slower paces and shorter distances for these group runs. AND we always start and finish the runs as a group! No one is ever left on their own.
Not ready to make the commitment to running? Maybe you want to start out with a walk/jog/walk routine – never fear, we have a group for you!
Training for that marathon and need to get the miles in? We have a group for you!
Have little ones or dogs that you usually take with you? Then bring them to WOOP – we encourage all runners to “come as you are!” So bring that dog (on a leash) and the jogger!

WOOP Group
Why do you run with WOOP?
(Hear from some of our members)
• “I run with WOOP because I’ve made great friends that motivate me, rally me, and appreciate the fact that I show up!” – Sarah P.
• “I run with WOOP because it’s fun and they are so freakin’ AWESOME!” – Charleen M.
• “I run with WOOP because knowing someone is counting on me to show up helps get me out of bed in the morning.” – Heidi B.
• I run with WOOP because of the wonderful ladies that run with me. I have no doubt that once our running shoes are taken off that I can count on them to be by my side.” – Judy O.
• “Running with WOOP has helped me quit turning my alarm off in the morning and going back to sleep (sometimes)!” Laurie W.
• “I run with WOOP because I love yelling WOOP! WOOP! When we’ve accomplished another amazing run together!” – Heidi B.
• “I run with WOOP because I’m worth it!” – Sarah P.
• I run with WOOP because of the sisterhood I have with each of these ladies. We share life on and off the pavement.” – Shirley T.
Hello! My husband and I just found out that we will be moving to Okinawa this coming summer (2013). I am a runner, but tend to like a running group to keep me motivated!! I found WOOP through this website and am very interested in how I can get involved and become a member, as well as how I can be in touch leading up to when we arrive! Is it just one group or are there different ones at the different bases? Should I join the facebook group and.or wait until we get there? I am very excited to become a part of WOOP and meet all of you! Thank you!
What if i am at a run walk status. i am not fully strong enough to run the entire time. are there others like that in this group as well. i want to work my self up to running that is my goal. i do love to work out i feel so much better after i do. is there anyone that can tell me if there are others in this group like me? i am new to the island and would like to meet some people. though i have never been in a group like this
I would love to start running with you ladies. I track in highschool and was in the best shape of my life. Now I am overweight and need to get back in shape and I love running.
I’d also like to get started with WOOP–I’m joining my husband on island in June and would love to join up with a group of women both for support and safety when running in an unfamiliar place! It looks like in this article that the Facebook link is crossed out–is there a new page that runs are posted at?
Sports Depot has tons of running shoes and apparel.
Has anyone found a store that specializes in running apparel or shoes? I’ve been dealing with shin splints and really want to make sure I’m wearing the right shoes. All advise I can find says go to a local running store but I can’t seem to find any on island.
I am looking for some women to run with while I am visiting Okinawa in April from the 17th -30th. I am currently running in the states and competing in 5 and 10K’s during the year and want to keep up with my running while I am there. I’m not a fast runner and just kind of move along at my own slow pace.
Hi Vickie,
Definitely come join us! We have runners of ALL levels. Seriously, I know some groups say that, and then when you get there everyone takes off like a Looney Tunes Road Runner, but with WOOP we legitimately have runners of all levels. My personal pace is anywhere from 10:30 – 12:00 depending on the day and time. Some are faster, some are slower. Some even run/walk. So no matter your level, we’ll have a runner for you! 🙂
Hope to meet you in April!
Thanks so much Rachel. You will probably see me. My daughter and son-in-law are there and live along the sea wall by Kadena.
I can’t get the facebook link to work, and nothing comes up when i search woop. Help please.
Jessica — the direct link is:
Thanks! Request sent. I will join you all as soon as we get into the country!