Years ago, when Okinawa Hai had just a few readers and was getting its footing, we took an introspective look at the things we love about this tiny island, especially the details that might go unnoticed – or unappreciated – by many.
We’d like to remind ourselves about that which we have always loved about our island paradise… even the things which may, at first glance, seem mundane and not worth stopping to examine.
We found this post buried way back in our archives, and thought it was time to bring it back again. Originally published on September 3, 2007, we present you with “I Love This About Okinawa: Yon (Part 4)”. We will be re-publishing the other posts in this series throughout the rest of this month.

Last week the doorbell rang nano-seconds after I had gotten both my boys down for their glorious afternoon nap. Maltsby barked and I dashed to the door praying that the boys would sleep through the ringing and the woof-ing. On the other side of the door, three men were asking for money for a local EISA performance that would be drumming, singing, dancing and hooting down the street any minute. No doubt that would wake the boys. But for Eisa in the streets, I gladly give up naps and yen.
So it came to pass that instead of napping, my boys and I joined our neighbors on the sidewalk to watch the every move and bang and holler of the dancers.
That Eisa. It gets me in the gut. In my clenched throat. In my welled-up eyes. In my shortened breath. As the thudding and silence pulse through me.
For more posts in our “What I Love About Okinawa” series, follow these links:
Part 1
Part Two
Part Three
What do YOU love about Okinawa that might not be obvious? Has one of its features or quirks grown on you over time? Leave a comment below, or write us a post; we’d love to continue this series.