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Tag: Kids

Monakids Jungle

EDITOR'S NOTE: This attraction is now closed. We're leaving this post on the site so that those of you who may be looking for...

Kaneku Seaside Park – Kids’ Pool Near Naval Kadena

CONTRIBUTED BY MEREDITH NOVARIO Hark! A kid's pool. It used to be free, and although you have to pay as of 2014, it's still pretty...


CONTRIBUTED BY KELLY Well, it's that time of year again...geocaching time! Actually, it's always geocaching time, especially here in Okinawa. Many of you may be...

Youth Sports in Okinawa

Superstar, originally uploaded by taylorkoa22. CONTRIBUTED BY PAUL For those Oki mamas and papas out there interested in having kids participate in extra-curricular activities such as...

Jusco Play Areas

jusco ball pit, originally uploaded by okimamas&papas. CONTRIBUTED BY MEREDITH NOVARIO Now that Eli gets the correlation between his signing and our actions he’s gotten wicked...