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Tag: Men (clothes shopping)


CONTRIBUTED BY DIANA MIDDLETON Now, about this store, it truly lives up to the "kool" part in it's name because of the "too cool" fashions...


CONTRIBUTED BY DIANA MIDDLETON The real name is Nature Earth Ocean and Space Thanks to reader Shannan who found this place, which seems to be...

Kariyushi Wear

CONTRIBUTED BY KAHO Kariyushi is a word made up of "kari" and "yushi" in Okinawan (Ryukyu) Dialect and means auspicious or happiness.  Kari means...

And They Call It Cool Biz

KARIYUSHI, originally uploaded by u*yam. CONTRIBUTED BY MEREDITH NOVARIO The kariyushi are aloha-light or aloha-with-a-touch-of-class-and-funk shirts traditional on this here Okinawa. You've seen them out and...