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Tag: Off-Base Housing

Professional Moving Companies?

CONTRIBUTED BY DIANA MIDDLETON Most of us have had to do this at least once in our time as military families--move out of one house...

Off Base Housing, near Foster: Hamby Town

Living overseas has its challenges, and a commonly agreed upon one is finding that perfect place to live. To help those of us who...

Off Base Housing, between Courtney & Kadena: Gushikawa/Uruma City

Living overseas has its challenges, and a commonly agreed upon one is finding that perfect place to live. To help those of us who...

Off Base Housing, near Foster: Awase

Living overseas has its challenges, and a commonly agreed upon one is finding that perfect place to live. To help those of us who...

Off Base Housing, near Foster: Yuri Mansion in Hamby Town

Living overseas has its challenges, and a commonly agreed upon one is finding that perfect place to live. To help those of us who...

Off Base Housing, near Kadena: Sunabe Seawall

Living overseas has its challenges, and a commonly agreed upon one is finding that perfect place to live. To help those of us who...

Should You Bring The Kitchen Sink?

CONTRIBUTED BY MEREDITH NOVARIO Sorry about the title. I had to. Sue asked what to bring for the kitchen. I couldn't pass it up. You...

How Do You Hang Stuff On Your Walls?

CONTRIBUTED BY MEREDITH NOVARIO This latest question from Aviva made me realize that instead of solving this problem I had resigned to bare walls. Wasn't...

E-6 On-Base, E-6 Off-Base, How Do You Live?

EDITOR'S NOTE: Due to the many comments on this post we have closed comments.  If you want to learn more about housing options on...

How Do You Get A (Social) Life When You Live Off-Base...

CONTRIBUTED BY MEREDITH NOVARIO I so wish I had thought of this question myself. I did not. It came from a woman who hasn't arrived...

Dang Good Housekeeping

CONTRIBUTED BY MEREDITH NOVARIO I recently asked you about who cleaned your house and you gave me tips and I took action and now I'm...

Who Cleans Your House?

CONTRIBUTED BY MEREDITH NOVARIO That's easy. No one really cleans at my house. We do basic maintenance but to call it cleaning is a stretch. So...


CONTRIBUTED BY MEREDITH NOVARIO David at The First Word Blog gives a room-by-room description of his apartment in Okinawa. I second his sentiment about Japanese...

Should It Have Stayed or Should It Have Come?

EDITOR'S NOTE: Due to the many comments on this post we have closed comments.  If you want to learn more about housing options on...

To Live ON or OFF base in Okinawa?

EDITOR'S NOTE: Due to the many comments on this post we have closed comments.  If you want to learn more about housing options on...

Kabi Killer, aka Japanese Mold Spray

Kabi Killer, originally uploaded by okimamas&papas. CONTRIBUTED BY MEREDITH NOVARIO I have it on good authority that this is the magic potion in the never-ending fight...