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Tag: Outdoors

Torii Beach

CONTRIBUTED BY DIANA MIDDLETON I've heard about the tidepools, but it's great to get confirmation: "We love it because it's a beach. Enough said. Anyway, they...

Shuri Castle

Editor’s Note: Shuri Castle was originally reviewed on Okinawa Hai on December o1, 2007; you can read a PDF copy of that original review here....

Orange Picking?

CONTRIBUTED BY JOELLE YAMADA Staci tagged this onto another post this week, but I thought it deserved a post of its own.  So here's her...

Renaissance Resort

Renaissance Resort, originally uploaded by okinawa hai. (Click on the photo above for more pictures.) CONTRIBUTED BY JULIA There is so much to do at the Renaissance...

Okinawa’s Neo Park

CONTRIBUTED BY AMY MADDOCKS An updated review of this animal park: Neo Sign On our way to Okuma one weekend, we decided to stop and check out...

Comprehensive Water Park

Comprehensive Water Park, originally uploaded by juliamagnolia. CONTRIBUTED BY JULIA It was already a hot day today but I'm sure it will only get worse as...

Comprehensive Park

CONTRIUBTED BY KELLY GARCIA; UPDATE BY HEATHER GELORMINE As many of you know, we have a park here in Okinawa called Comprehensive Park.  Despite the...


CONTRIBUTED BY KELLY Well, it's that time of year again...geocaching time! Actually, it's always geocaching time, especially here in Okinawa. Many of you may be...