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Tag: Japanese Culture

For Every Tobi There Are A Pair Of Tabi

originally uploaded by okinawa hai. CONTRIBUTED BY MEREDITH NOVARIO I just decided what I'm going to be for Halloween. A Tobi. Or a tobi. Not sure...

Someone Had To Ask

CONTRIBUTED BY MEREDITH NOVARIO My mother is in town so some questions were asked. You know, about these here Japanese toilets. I did some research. While...

I Say Tattoo, You Say Irezumi

Sanja Matsuri, originally uploaded by ajpscs. CONTRIBUTED BY MEREDITH NOVARIO Wow. I just spent a delirious hour clicking hither and yon on the internet finding out more...

NEW Chicken, It’s What’s For Dinner

The title of this video is: Magic Chicken! We can fly! - Japanese j.h. ESL commercial. You'll be glad for that clarification.

In Business For 1428 Years

The world's oldest continuously operating family business ended its impressive run last year. Japanese temple builder Kongo Gumi, in operation under the founders' descendants...

Love Hotels 101

  originally uploaded by gak. CONTRIBUTED BY MEREDITH NOVARIO Once upon a time, my friend suggested doing "research" for the blog on the love hotels here...

On Japanese Streets

sweetest thing, originally uploaded by ajpscs. Fashion in Japan is some kind of delicious, ever-generous art form. It's well worth losing a few spare minutes...

Japanese Rockabillies in Tokyo

I had totally forgotten about these dancers. Every weekend, same place. If you're in Tokyo find them rocking out at Yoyogi Park.

My Year of Meats

CONTRIBUTED BY MEREDITH NOVARIO The sun is out. Soon enough you'll be able to hunker down with this good read while the waves lap at...


Japander: n.,& v.t. 1. a western star who uses his or her fame to make large sums of money in a short time by...

More on Kit-Kats

remioromen♪, originally uploaded by makkiii. CONTRIBUTED BY KELLY Today I went to Lawson's to pay some bills. Inspired by the "kittu katsu" post, I went to...

Studio Alice

Studio Alice brochure   CONTRIBUTED BY MEREDITH NOVARIO Here is a photography studio like one you might find in a mall but with racks and racks of...

Culture Shock!

Contributed by Caroline I’ve always had these funny little “aHA!” moments that seem to come later than they should. I remember the time I found...

Kitto Katsu!

CONTRIBUTED BY MEREDITH NOVARIO I went to pay a bill at Lawson's last night and treated myself to a Kit Kat. A PEACH Kit Kat....

Would You Like That Warm or Cold?

vending machine, originally uploaded by okimamas&papas. CONTRIBUTED BY MEREDITH NOVARIO I'm knee deep in convincing my son, Eli, that his milk can come in a variety...

A Little Bow Will Do You

CONTRIBUTED BY MEREDITH NOVARIO People here in Japan bow. You already knew that though. I am a fan of the bowing. You never have to wonder...