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Tag: Japanese Culture

Fukubukuro 福袋 – “Lucky Bags”

We aren't certain we are getting this info to you in time!  But on the off chance that some stores are still offering these,...

Suntory Coffee Taste Test

CONTRIBUTED BY JOY BARNES I wouldn’t call myself a “coffee snob” but I would definitely say I know a thing or two about good coffee....

Konbini: Lawson Station, Family Mart & Coco!

Analicia & Sarah submitted posts about the reasons they love local "shoppettes."  We've combined them to give you a look at some of the...

Purikura Photos

CONTRIBUTED SARRA MCMILLAN Shortly after my arrival in Okinawa in December 2009, a new-found friend pulled me towards the flashing lights and screaming sounds of...

Why Martial Arts?

I have received some wonderful cooking posts from Penny over the last weeks and started an email conversation about how she came to be...

Japanese for Eating Out

CONTRIBUTED BY KATHERINE MOORE Whenever I go out with friends, they quiz me about eating out in Japan.  Some of them are more concern with...

En Okinawa

CONTRIBUTED BY MONETTE EAMES Just when we were about ready to give up looking for this place, we see a corner restaurant with the words...

Japanese Children’s Books, Part 2

As promised, here is the second installment of Shannan's favorite kid's books related to Japan, Okinawa and its cultures.  If you missed the first,...

Japanese Children’s Books, Part 1

CONTRIBUTED BY SHANNAN LEWELLEN “The more you read, the more things you will know.  The more you learn, the more places you’ll go.” ~Dr. Seuss Our...

Housou – Neighborhood Broadcasting

CONTRIBUTED BY JANNINE MYERS Last summer we moved to a new residence to get away from the irritating drone of jet-planes taking off and landing...

What is your Blood Type?

CONTRIBUTED BY JANNINE MYERS   I was at a Japanese community center some time ago, when a Japanese lady whom I had just been introduced to...

Eat, Drink, and be Merry!

CONTRIBUTED BY JANNINE MYERS Dining out and/or drinking with Japanese friends and acquaintances is perhaps a regular event for many of you, but for those...

Omiyage – The Traveler’s Gift

CONTRIBUTED BY JANNINE MYERS Whenever I pass through an airport in Japan, I am reminded by all the omiyage displays that I must not return home...

Hanko 21

CONTRIBUTED BY JEANINE CZUBIK In many Asian cultures, a name stamp or seal is often used instead of a signature.  Here in Japan, name stamps are called...

Teru Teru Bozu

   Teru Teru Bozu CONTRIBUTED BY JANNINE MYERS Just last week, as my daughters and I were leaving the school where my youngest takes her karate lessons,...

Mingling with the Japanese… Things to know before you venture out!

CONTRIBUTED BY JANAE BURGER According to a Japanese proverb, "There are formalities between the closest of friends." I smile at this as I think about...

Feeling Holiday Stress? Relax in a Hyperbaric Chamber

 CONTRIBUTED BY MARY RICHARDSON Years ago, when pictures of Michael Jackson sleeping peacefully, if not bizarrely, in an oxygen chamber hit the media, the American...

Kyoko Art Gallery

CONTRIBUTED BY MARY RICHARDSON Next time you head to Shuri Castle, why not take a short detour and drop in Kyoko Art Gallery? Kyoko Nakamoto is...

Ikebana Classes

CONTRIBUTED BY MARY RICHARDSON Are you looking for an artistic and cultural outlet in Okinawa and more interaction with local nationals? Ikebana is the perfect...

Putting Kids Back In Their Place: Car Seat Usage on Okinawa

CONTRIBUTED BY HEATHER GELORMINE Car seats.  Those of us with infants and toddlers know that they are a must.  When I gave birth to my...

Hanatoki Flower Shop, Kadena AB & Camp Foster

CONTRIBUTED BY JANNINE MYERS Not so long ago, on my way to visit a friend whose wife was recovering from a minor surgical procedure, I...

Parents’ Hour Out: Love Hotels on Okinawa

CONTRIBUTED BY HEATHER GELORMINE When a couple has children, “alone time” becomes a precious commodity.  Whether it’s escaping for an hour or two together for...

To Do: Visit an Okinawan Uranai (Fortune-teller)

CONTRIBUTED BY MARY RICHARDSON One of my favorite things to do while traveling or living abroad is to talk to local people about their spiritual...

Japanese Tea Ceremony

CONTRIBUTED BY MARY RICHARDSON In Okinawa, we are fortunate to be able to attend a traditional tea ceremony as practiced in Kyoto, the cultural center...

Breastfeeding In Public On Okinawa

CONTRIBUTED BY HEATHER GELORMINE My daughter was born when we were stationed in Germany, and I always felt grateful that the society we lived in...

Japanese Post Offices, Banks, and Delivery Service

CONTRIBUTED BY KANDY As an American here, I have depended on the Community Bank, G.I Bill Pay and Military Postal Service for most of my...

Fall Back, Pinworm Forward!

CONTRIBUTED BY STACI HAWLEY Last spring when Sebastian came home with a tiny looking medical "something"- I wasn't sure what it was. Hmm...I opened the small...

We think September, Japan thinks in April.

CONTRIBUTED BY STACI HAWLEY The smell of new pencils. Crimson leaves and shiny lunchboxes. One pair of guess jeans versus three pairs of Jordache. Big decisions....

Japanese Canned Coffees

CONTRIBUTED BY JANNINE MYERS Coffee, coffee, coffee…….. that’s what usually resonates in my mind about, oh say, late afternoon. That’s about the time of day...

The Face Mask

CONTRIBUTED BY STACI HAWLEY When I first moved to Japan, I was stunned by the amount of people wearing face masks. Was there some recent communicable...