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Tag: Japanese Culture

Japanese Superstitions

CONTRIBUTED BY STACI HAWLEY It's Saturday morning. Were your ears burning- because I was thinking of you, reader. Hopefully you didn't drop your mirror, and...

Nani Kore? Daikon

CONTRIBUTED BY STACI HAWLEY Have you ever been curious about that huge albino- carrot looking vegetable that you see? The first time I noticed one,...

Shikinaen Royal Gardens

Editor's Note: Shikinaen Garden was originally reviewed on Okinawa Hai on February 12, 2009; you can read a PDF copy of that original review HERE. The...

Tetrapod Trivia

CONTRIBUTED BY STACI HAWLEY I say Sea-jack. The Japanese say Tetrapods. Either way- they are an interesting architectural design that serve quite an important purpose....

Furoshiki. Recycling can be beautiful!

CONTRIBUTED BY KANDY I love this time of year.  Gathering around friends and family to eat, drink and exchange gifts!  I always feel a little...

Taxis On Okinawa

CONTRIBUTED BY STACI HAWLEY   I don't have to remind everyone of the strict drinking and driving laws here in Japan. The blood alcohol limit is...

Mathematically challenged? Could you be an abacist?

CONTRIBUTED BY STACI HAWLEY Are you mathematically challenged? I am and have always been fascinated by the abacus (also called the counting frame). So I...

Riveting Reads Reviewed and Revealed!

CONTRIBUTED BY STACI HAWLEY The Laws of Evening by Mary Yukari Waters We read this as a part of my Foster book group. The book is...

Hangover Help- HAI! Ukon to the rescue!

CONTRIBUTED BY STACI HAWLEY There is probably something offensive about a pregnant woman writing about a cure for hangovers. But, I am a sissy for...

Cicadas Cacophony Clarified

CONTRIBUTED BY STACI HAWLEY You rarely see them hanging around. Luckily, I've caught a pic of two that are well-done. You may call them...


CONTRIBUTED BY KIMBERLY MITCHELL I'm sure you've seem them around. A lightweight, casual kimono worn anytime in the summer, but more frequently seen at bon...

Needle Slave – Tattoos

CONTRIBUTED BY STACI HAWLEY Just think. If you want to appear really scary and formidable, give a flash of your tattoo the next time you take...

Ancient Acupuncture Provides Relief

CONTRIBUTED BY NICOLE INGRAHAM Acupuncture has always fascinated me. The thought of all these points in your body being affected by needles is rather...

A Guy You Should Meet

CONTRIBUTED BY STACI HAWLEY Dear Readers. This post (on the surface) may not seem flashy or visually appealing. But please take the time to read...

Okinawa Prefectural Peace Memorial Museum

CONTRIBUTED BY HEATHER NORDELL World War II ended on August 15, 1945. In Japan the day is known as Shuusen-kinenbi (終戦記念日), which literally means the...

New Store Bouquets – HANA YA SAN

CONTRIBUTED BY STACI HAWLEY If you have been shopping or dining recently, you may have noticed an enormous bouquet located at the entrance. I've even...

How Low Should You Go?

CONTRIBUTED BY STACI HAWLEY If you are like me, you have probably made a fool out of yourself at one time or another. As I...

Could You Sleep On A Train?

CONTRIBUTED BY STACI HAWLEY As I traveled around Tokyo last week, I noticed a common theme. It's something that has caught my eye before but...

Sixty-Seven Uses For The Small Towel

CONTRIBUTED BY STACI HAWLEY Sixty seven uses for the small towel. That's my goal. One percentage for each moment I have left of being pregnant....

Japanese Rainchains

CONTRIBUTED BY STACI HAWLEY Imagine you are sipping tea in a perfectly manicured garden, with combed rocks, a few bonsai trees and the perfect amount...

Onigiri to go!

CONTRIBUTED BY KAHO Onigiri means a triangular shaped "rice ball" in Japanese and it is a typical lunch food that Japanese people take in their...

Bingata Activities

CONTRIBUTED BY JOELLE YAMADA Heidi has family coming to town who have a specific interest: My two aunts are coming to town in May.  They are...


CONTRIBUTED BY KAHO I recently bought a kimono for the first time because I have started taking a kimono class called "kitsuke" with my friend. ...

Plastic Bags

CONTRIBUTED BY KAHO I have just written about a recyclable shopping bag I bought yesterday at G-AREA in Plaza Shopping Center as my Wednesday post...

How To Become A Master Bento-Making Machine

Grouchy Bf bento, originally uploaded by Sakurako Kitsa. CONTRIBUTED BY MEREDITH NOVARIO Monday through Friday I send Eli off to school without much ceremony. Twice a...

Fukushu-en Chinese Gardens

CONTRIBUTED BY BAMBI CALDWELL This garden was beautiful!  The entry fee was free and you just tell the people at the front...

Momma Always Said

CONTRIBUTED BY MEREDITH NOVARIO Off-base I walk about in a state of oblivion. I can't read street signs or advertisements. I don't understand the school...

Back That Thing Up

CONTRIBUTED BY MEREDITH NOVARIO This post inspired by Aviva's Saturday in Naha Here in Okinawa, maybe in all of Japan, getting the most out of...

My Gashapon Craze

originally uploaded by okinawa hai. CONTRIBUTED BY JULIA I’ve always been a little late to the game.  I didn’t get my driver’s license until I was...

Happy Meals, Japanese-Style!

CONTRIBUTED BY LUCIA One of the many things I love about Japan is dining out. In addition to all of the amazing choices, styles, and...