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Tag: Health, Beauty & Pampering

Okinawa Select Shop

CONTRIBUTED BY DIANA MIDDLETON This cool place was recommended by our very own "To Learn" editor, Staci. Okinawa Select Shop is definitely an interesting place to...

Ancient Acupuncture Provides Relief

CONTRIBUTED BY NICOLE INGRAHAM Acupuncture has always fascinated me. The thought of all these points in your body being affected by needles is rather...

EARTH – Hair Salon

CONTRIBUTED BY KAHO With one toddler and a baby, to get a hair cut dropped down on my list of priorities. When flipping through Japanese...

The Birthday Store … Fashion Centre Shimamura

CONTRIBUTED BY DIANA MIDDLETON Thank you to the readers who helped translate the name of this store. I'm sure most of you have seen the...

Cocok’s (with a silent K) – Nail Art, Hair Salon, Massages

CONTRIBUTED BY JOELLE YAMADA My husband even loved it. Granted, he didn't get to experience all that those amazing women can do with one little...

Medical Tourism in Asia

CONTRIBUTED BY JEN PRESTON It's bikini season again.  Oh lordy, I haven't truly celebrated bikini season since '96 or so, but for those of you...

Drug Store – Drug Eleven "Doraggu Irebun"

CONTRIBUTED BY KAHO This Drug Eleven (pronounced "doraggu irebun" in Japanese) is located on Highway 23 right by the A&W near Kadena Gate 5.  In...

Where Do You Find Homeopathic Remedies?

CONTRIBUTED BY MEREDITH NOVARIO I aspire to be hippy enough to know the answer to this question. But, alas, when that fever strikes and my...

Where Do You Get A Young Boy A Non-Military Hair-Cut?

CONTRIBUTED BY MEREDITH NOVARIO As all of you new families arrive on Okinawa, our mailbox is filling up with your great questions. Keep them coming,...