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Yearly Archives: 2007

Okinawa Hai fallback

Where Can A Girl Find Nursing Bras Here In Okinawa?

CONTRIBUTED BY MEREDITH NOVARIO I didn't even dare formulate this question in my head in my post-partum days. I don't think my delicate state of...
Okinawa Hai fallback

Where Do Dogs Go To Play On Okinawa?

CONTRIBUTED BY MEREDITH NOVARIO My neighbor here in Mizugama lets her dog out as if he's a cat. Opens the door and off he goes....
Okinawa Hai fallback

Where Do You Find Homeopathic Remedies?

CONTRIBUTED BY MEREDITH NOVARIO I aspire to be hippy enough to know the answer to this question. But, alas, when that fever strikes and my...
Okinawa Hai fallback

What Cell Phone Works Magic For You? Part 1

Here's a puzzle I'm sure you all have pieces to: Jenn needs the team to huddle up for a moment and talk cell phones. So,...
Okinawa Hai fallback

What’s The Deal With Space-A?

CONTRIBUTED BY MEREDITH NOVARIO Because what if I get it in my head that I'd like to meet Joe in Thailand with my little munchkins...

Mihara Horse Riding Club

CONTRIBUTED BY DIANA MIDDLETON My children love this and I usually take them here twice a year. The pony rides are only $10 and if...

Happy Meals, Japanese-Style!

CONTRIBUTED BY LUCIA One of the many things I love about Japan is dining out. In addition to all of the amazing choices, styles, and...

Patisserie Porushe

CONTRIBUTED BY JOELLE YAMADA If you're looking for somewhere to go with "the girls," I have just the place.  About a month ago while I...
Okinawa Hai fallback

Casa Verde Restaurant

CONTRIBUTED BY JOELLE YAMADA I'm really interested in organics and locally grown produce and so was thrilled when a friend told me of the restaurant...
Camp Lester Housing | Okinawa Hai!

How Do You Hang Stuff On Your Walls?

CONTRIBUTED BY MEREDITH NOVARIO This latest question from Aviva made me realize that instead of solving this problem I had resigned to bare walls. Wasn't...


Kitakaisen, originally uploaded by okinawa hai. (Click on the photo above for more pictures.) CONTRIBUTED BY JULIA Kitakaisen is one of my favorite places to eat on...
Okinawa Zoo | Okinawa Hai

What Preschools Do You All Use Out By Camp Kinser or Camp Courtney?

CONTRIBUTED BY MEREDITH NOVARIO We have an embarassing shortage of information about the life and times around Camp Kinser and Camp Courtney and McT. I've...
Okinawa Hai fallback

Anyone Out There Dealing With Peanut & Tree Nut Allergies?

This mom needs your help. Maybe this post could turn into a place to swap some relevant Japanese phrases and vocabulary. All I can...

The Three Dango Brothers

dango, originally uploaded by tokyogoat. CONTRIBUTED BY MEREDITH NOVARIO Meet DANGO. You've totally seen these, haven't you? In exchange for a few yen you can indulge in...

Koza Seibo Yochien

For all you parents looking for a preschool that suits your kids, we’re hoping to add a little something to aid in your search....

Renaissance Resort

Renaissance Resort, originally uploaded by okinawa hai. (Click on the photo above for more pictures.) CONTRIBUTED BY JULIA There is so much to do at the Renaissance...
Okinawa Hai fallback

E-6 On-Base, E-6 Off-Base, How Do You Live?

EDITOR'S NOTE: Due to the many comments on this post we have closed comments.  If you want to learn more about housing options on...

Okinawa’s Neo Park

CONTRIBUTED BY AMY MADDOCKS An updated review of this animal park: Neo Sign On our way to Okuma one weekend, we decided to stop and check out...

Istanbul Kebab House

CONTRIBUTED BY MELISSA RUISZ Istanbul Front Istanbul Kebab House in Sunabe has a cozy, earthy vibe, as if you were invited to your Turkish friend's large...

Monakids Jungle

EDITOR'S NOTE: This attraction is now closed. We're leaving this post on the site so that those of you who may be looking for...

I Do, Okinawan-Style

Contributed by Kristine Kohut I didn’t just fall in love with Okinawa. I fell in love in Okinawa, during my second tour there. Steve and...
Okinawa Hai fallback

Family Travel, Part 2: The Gear

CONTRIBUTED BY LUCIA It is always amazing to me that modern children now "need" so much gear when compared to past generations and tribal groups,...
Okinawa Hai fallback

Japanese Class?

CONTRIBUTED BY KELLYERACE Does anybody have any suggestions for a good place to study Japanese?  I went to Owles Language Center in the outer reaches...
Okinawa Hai fallback

Where Do You Get A Young Boy A Non-Military Hair-Cut?

CONTRIBUTED BY MEREDITH NOVARIO As all of you new families arrive on Okinawa, our mailbox is filling up with your great questions. Keep them coming,...

Restaurant FAB: The Curry Buffet on the Sunabe Seawall

originally uploaded by downtownjuliebrown. CONTRIBUTED BY JULIE So I love this little hole in the wall on Sunabe. It meets all my standards for a good...
Okinawa Hai fallback

Date Night – What’s A Couple To Do?

CONTRIBUTED BY MEREDITH NOVARIO My husband is home again and my mother is still in town. You know what that means. That's right. Every night...
Okinawa Hai fallback

Kubasaki versus Kadena

Kubasaki High versus Kadena High? Where would you send your kid? Details, onegaishimasu.
Okinawa Hai fallback

Sayonara, Man-Yi!

CONTRIBUTED BY MEREDITH NOVARIO You're safe and dry, right? And your lawn or sidewalk is piled high with typhoon carnage. And your power is on....

For Every Tobi There Are A Pair Of Tabi

originally uploaded by okinawa hai. CONTRIBUTED BY MEREDITH NOVARIO I just decided what I'm going to be for Halloween. A Tobi. Or a tobi. Not sure...
Okinawa Hai fallback

Family Travel (aka The Miracle of Dental Floss)

CONTRIBUTED BY LUCIA I am hoping this is the first in a series of posts about traveling with kids. Since this is the time of...