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Yearly Archives: 2007

Off Base Housing, near Foster: Hamby Town

Living overseas has its challenges, and a commonly agreed upon one is finding that perfect place to live. To help those of us who...

Off the Beaten Path Okinawa: Part II

CONTRIBUTED BY KELLYERACE On Thursday, some of my ESL students at Central Texas College shared their favorite "off the beaten path" places to eat.  Today,...

Off the Beaten Path Okinawa: Part I

CONTRIBUTED BY KELLYERACE I just finished a project with my ESL students in which we talked about places that are "off the beaten path".   They...


CONTRIBUTED BY KAHO I like shopping in Japan, but sometimes I do miss shopping in the U.S.  I miss H&M, Zara, Gap, Old Navy, etc…...
Floating Torri | Okinawa Hai

Here a Gate, There a Gate, Everywhere a Gate, Gate

CONTRIBUTED BY MEREDITH NOVARIO Merry Christmas Eve! The boys are asleep. The cookies and reindeer food are waiting to be sniffed out by Santa and...

On Base House, Foster: North Towers CGO/Civilian

Living overseas has its challenges, and a commonly agreed upon one is finding that perfect place to live. To help those of us who...
Bar Flex Okinawa

What To Do for New Years

CONTRIBUTED BY JOELLE YAMADA I've lived all of my life later than New York.  Until now.  This is the first New Year's Eve that I'll...
Okinawa Hai fallback

Sushi Zen

SushiZenSign, originally uploaded by okinawa hai. PHOTOS & REVIEW CONTRIBUTED BY AVIVA BOWMAN This past July, a new restaurant, Sushi Zen, opened its doors near the...


CONTRIBUTED BY KAHO I am a bread lover.  I can live on bread.  I don't know many good bakeries on the island.  There is a...
Daaruma Temple| Okinawa Hai!

The Case of the 500 Dollar Buddha: Judgment Day

buddha, originally uploaded by okinawa hai. CONTRIBUTED BY MEREDITH NOVARIO Joe is back from faraway lands. Weeks have passed and the boys still can't get enough...

Off Base Housing, between Courtney & Kadena: Gushikawa/Uruma City

Living overseas has its challenges, and a commonly agreed upon one is finding that perfect place to live. To help those of us who...

How Tsu – Steamed Bun Heaven

CONTRIBUTED BY JULIA My friend Angela pointed me towards this mom and pop shop that uses Kanji characters in its name. How Tsu or rather Hao...

Ramayana Asian Market

CONTRIBUTED BY JULIA Ramayana Asian Market is a great place to go if you're looking for something unique for your home or just some cool...

The Kijimuna Among Us

Photograph thanks to Jennifer Shue CONTRIBUTED BY MEREDITH NOVARIO Kijimuna, these are my friends. Friends, this is Kijimuna. species: fairy, sprite, goblin family gender: male & female age: greater than...

On Base Housing, Camp Butler: Plaza Housing FGO

Living overseas has its challenges, and a commonly agreed upon one is finding that perfect place to live. To help those of us who...
Okinawa Hai fallback

Gunner’s Gym Fitness Co-op

CONTRIBUTED BY JOELLE YAMADA **INFORMATION UPDATED JANUARY 2010** Chasing your child who is running toward the wall with non-washable crayons may seem exhausting, but I'm not...

Fukushu-en Chinese Gardens

CONTRIBUTED BY BAMBI CALDWELL This garden was beautiful!  The entry fee was free and you just tell the people at the front...

Tobaru Koen Park

CONTRIBUTED BY JULIA CHEN Editor's Note: We published a new post on this park in October 2013. Click here to read the newer post on...

Torii Beach

CONTRIBUTED BY DIANA MIDDLETON I've heard about the tidepools, but it's great to get confirmation: "We love it because it's a beach. Enough said. Anyway, they...

More Vegetarian Restaurants

CONTRIBUTED BY KELLYERACE Back in September, Diann asked where some good vegetarian grub could be found.  There were a bevy of responses, which can be...


CONTRIBUTED BY KAHO When I go grocery shopping, I always go to two places:  Commissary on base and Co-op.  Sometimes I go to a third...
Okinawa Hai fallback

This Japanese or That Japanese?

CONTRIBUTED BY MEREDITH NOVARIO Kelly will be joining us on island in April and she's trying to get her Japanese groove on early. As in...
Okinawa Hai fallback

Can You Switch On-Base Schools?

So, I have this friend. Hi, Andrea! When she and her family moved here they were shown housing on Courtney since her husband is based at...
Okinawa Hai fallback

Help! In Need of Fencing!

CONTRIBUTED BY LAN This Okinawa Hai! reader will be joining our large community here on the island and is in dire need of fencing and...
Shurijo Castle Park | Okinawa Hai!

Shuri Castle

Editor’s Note: Shuri Castle was originally reviewed on Okinawa Hai on December o1, 2007; you can read a PDF copy of that original review here....

Cactus Eatrip

CONTRIBUTED BY KELLYERACE Have you gone to the Cactus Eatrip bagel shop on 58?  If you haven't, you've gotta hustle on down because there...

Big 1

CONTRIBUTED BY KAHO Many of you have probably seen the store “Big 1” with a yellow sign on top of its building. I have driven...

All Souls’ Episcopal Church Children’s Program

For all you parents looking for a preschool that suits your kids, we’re hoping to add a little something to aid in your search....

Off Base Housing, near Foster: Awase

Living overseas has its challenges, and a commonly agreed upon one is finding that perfect place to live. To help those of us who...
Okinawa Hai fallback

Where Do You Worship?

CONTRIBUTED BY JOELLE YAMADA One of the hardest things for me about the "moving" military life is having to search AGAIN for a place to...